Humidification and dehumidification for the pharmaceutical industry
Tablets, pills, ampules, ointments, creams, and gels are all intended to cure and make us feel better. They must therefore not be contaminated by dirt, germs, or spores. At the same time, the raw materials for drugs require certain ambient conditions in order to retain their efficacy and consistency. Many drugs are already manufactured in clean room conditions today.
However, even where the conditions are not so strict, the following still applies: A consistent temperature and constant relative humidity are required to ensure that the end products remain at the same high quality.
As hot steam humidifies the air, it kills off bacteria and germs almost as a side effect. Adiabatic systems with corresponding hygiene concepts also ensure odorless, sterile humidification. Precise controllability keeps the moisture content of the air constant in all cases.
Penicillin manufacturing
Tablet pressing
Film coating manufacture
Fiber production
Test lab
Dehumidification for tablet presses
Production and manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical industry have always been associated with special requirements. This is also true for the manufacture of tablets. Even the starting materials require constant environmental parameters to maintain their effectiveness. Finally, to avoid the risk of tablets being contaminated by dirt particles, germs or spores via the air during the manufacturing process, a relative humidity in the range of 35–50 percent at air temperatures of 21–27 degrees Celsius is optimal.
What must be considered for clean rooms with regard to air humidity
Whether semiconductor production, medical and pharmaceutical research or nanotechnology: In clean rooms and special laboratories, the assurance of a permanently constant air humidity is a necessary requisite for maintaining high and maximum process standards. The water used for this must be absolutely free of minerals and other particles.
Dehumidification for tablet presses
Production and manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical industry have always been associated with special requirements. This is also true for the manufacture of tablets. Even the starting materials require constant environmental parameters to maintain their effectiveness. Finally, to avoid the risk of tablets being contaminated by dirt particles, germs or spores via the air during the manufacturing process, a relative humidity in the range of 35–50 percent at air temperatures of 21–27 degrees Celsius is optimal.
What must be considered for clean rooms with regard to air humidity
Whether semiconductor production, medical and pharmaceutical research or nanotechnology: In clean rooms and special laboratories, the assurance of a permanently constant air humidity is a necessary requisite for maintaining high and maximum process standards. The water used for this must be absolutely free of minerals and other particles.
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