An “electric shock” when touching a clothes rail; hair that takes on a life of its own when trying on clothes. Dry air can really spoil the fun of going shopping as, when items of clothing rub against each other, electrostatic charges occur that do not dissipate easily and cause unpleasant side effects.
Balance between fibers and humidity
The internal moisture content of a textile fiber interacts with the surrounding air humidity. If the air is too dry, the moisture contained in the material evaporates and the fibers lose water to the air. The fabrics become cracked, colors fade and above all the feel of the fabric changes. If the humidity level is too high, however, the textile fibers absorb water from the air, causing the fabric to swell and wet spots or mold (so-called mildew stains) to form.
It is therefore recommended to maintain a balance between the relative humidity of the sales or storage room and the textiles, based on the specific material.
Air humidity lower than material humidity
fabrics release moisture
Balance between air humidity and
material humidity
Air humidity higher than material humidity
Fabrics absorb moisture
Good air puts customers in a good mood
Ensuring the comfort of customers and employees starts at the entrance: If you leave the cold air outside and humidify the air inside the shop sufficiently, you will create a shopping climate that will improve the health of your staff and increase your customers’ inclination to buy.
Customers who feel comfortable will stay in the shop for a longer time and probably spend more money.
Textile trade and storage
Leather goods warehouse
Leather Goods Trade
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