Museums are charged with the task of preserving treasures of humanity and art. The innumerable, often unique and irreplaceable exhibits are worth many billions of euros and must therefore be permanently protected from any possible damage, especially from environmental influences.
In this respect, the ability to control the often heavy loads imposed by museum visitors, who release heat, moisture, particles and pollutants into the indoor air, plays a key role. In order to meet and overcome these challenges, most museums nowadays operate complex air conditioning systems — often several ones at once for different requirements in different areas.
Only by operating these facilities is it possible to meet the conservation requirements for the protection of works of art in the long term and to ensure a comfortable, pleasant environment and good air quality for visitors.
Museums and art galleries
Museums are charged with the task of preserving treasures of humanity and art. The innumerable, often unique and irreplaceable exhibits are worth many billions of euros and must therefore be permanently protected from any possible damage, especially from environmental influences.
In this respect, the ability to control the often heavy loads imposed by museum visitors, who release heat, moisture, particles and pollutants into the indoor air, plays a key role. In order to meet and overcome these challenges, most museums nowadays operate complex air conditioning systems — often several ones at once for different requirements in different areas.
Only by operating these facilities is it possible to meet the conservation requirements for the protection of works of art in the long term and to ensure a comfortable, pleasant environment and good air quality for visitors.
Wood, sculptures
Paper, parchment
Stone, ceramics
Leather, bones
The recommended relative humidity by material
There is no general optimum air humidity that applies to all materials of exhibits. Depending on which material is the focus of an exhibition, a different humidity level is ideal.
For particularly sensitive paintings such as wood and ceramics, a relative humidity of about 50% is a good average value. Particularly in larger museums, exhibits made of different materials are housed in different rooms, each of which is served with specially conditioned supply air by independent air conditioning systems. Here, room-specific adjustment of the air condition is easy to implement and also recommended.
Condair quality
Our customized systems offer professional solutions for air humidification and dehumidification for the size and conditions of each individual room.
Because professional planning is the basis for functional quality and energy efficiency, we are happy to assist you right from the planning phase.
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Hammam, Caldarium i Rhassoul
Hamam to łaźnia parowa, w której odbywa się specjalna ceremonia kąpieli,
i jest ważną częścią islamskiej kultury kąpielowej i fizycznej.
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