Humidification in offices
and conference rooms
Employees must feel comfortable as they work. Motivation, efficiency, and health can be improved
through contemporary design of the workplace. The right humidity has a crucial impact on health and
wellbeing in the office, and protects employees against illness.
Intensive screen work, activities involving a lot of talking, and overly warm offices can, in combination with insufficient humidity in the ambient air, cause significant adverse effects on health. Respiratory tract infections, difficulty swallowing, sore throats, and stinging eyes are common symptoms, particularly in the winter months.
The latest medical studies show that even the immune defenses of the mucous membranes depend crucially on the humidity of the ambient air. The evacuation of microorganisms from the respiratory tract decreases as air humidity drops. For efficient, quick clearing of the respiratory tract and therefore lower susceptibility to infectious diseases, a sufficiently high humidity of at least 45% is required.
Why is the air particularly dry in winter?
Everyone knows the unpleasant effects of excessively dry air: The skin becomes flaky and cracked, and the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, as well as the eyes dry out and become irritated. This makes us feel uncomfortable and more susceptible to respiratory illnesses. But what are the reasons why room air is so unpleasantly dry, especially in the colder seasons?
Situation of indoor air humidity in
winter without active air humidification
Situation of indoor air humidity in winter
with active air humidification
to 8.5 g of water per kilogram of air
Situation of indoor air humidity in
winter without active air humidification
Situation of indoor air humidity in winter
with active air humidification
to 8.5 g of water per kilogram of air
Depending on the temperature, the air has a different capacity to absorb water. In winter, the cold outdoor air has only a low capacity to absorb moisture. By heating it (which increases the capacity to absorb moisture), the relative humidity is reduced further and a very dry room climate is created. Without active humidification, a healthy room air humidity of 40 to 60% is barely feasible.
Lecture halls / classrooms
Conference rooms
Call centers
Modern working practice
also puts a strain on the eye
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